Welcome to the latest issue of our monthly newsletter! Learn about our latest integrations, DAO governance news and find out about how you can contribute to the DAO.
With our mission to become the single source app for all things DeFi, we are excited to continue expanding our support for various digital assets and chains, allowing even more people to participate in self-sovereign finance.
All Chains, All Protocols, All Wallets. Share Our Vision at app.shapeshift.com.

Stake Your ATOM and Earn 17.8%
You can buy, sell, manage and stake ATOM directly through our non-custodial platform.
When staking on our platform, you are in complete control of your funds, simply connect your wallet or create a ShapeShift native wallet to explore decentralized finance. Check out this quick walkthrough video or learn more about the Cosmos integration on our blog.

ShapeShift Enters Convertible Bond Market with HourGlass and Arbor Finance
DAOs face difficulties with raising funds and financing. It is a known fact that most DAO treasuries have high concentrations of their native token一some relying heavily on selling their governance tokens to fund operations.
This is where HourGlass and Arbor Finance come in—offering permissionless debt-based financing via convertible bonds. This form of financing allows DAOs to secure the funds they need to continue developing and growing their organizations without sacrificing their governance tokens.
Check out our blog to learn more about this partnership.

Be in Control of Your Funds, Your Keys, Your Crypto 🔑
Want to transfer your crypto from an exchange, but don’t have a self-custody wallet?
Simply create a ShapeShift wallet and manage your crypto on our free, non-custodial crypto portfolio management platform while:
💰 Staying in control of your funds by connecting with non-custodial wallets
🤑Earning the same APY (or higher)
🔑Maintaining control of your data and privacy (no KYC, no tracking)
🆓Not paying additional fees–our app is free
🏦Never risking your funds being frozen
Watch this quick video to learn how quick and easy it is to create a ShapeShift wallet.

ShapeShift FOXChain Proposal (Phase 2)
Total Proposed Budget: $0
- The purpose of this proposal was to formalize and push forward the development of “Arkeo” (formerly known as FOXChain), a very important piece of decentralized infrastructure that will be used both by ShapeShift DAO and the wider crypto world.
- This proposal outlined the second phase of necessary actions to be taken in order to make Arkeo a reality including launching testnet, producing mainnet ready code etc.
Cosmos Validator Renewal
Total Proposed Budget: $0
- TaxiStake will continue running a ShapeShift DAO branded validator with new terms outlined in the proposal.
- Revenue split: 25% DAO / 75% TaxiStake
Shape the future of ShapeShift! Join the ShapeShift Discord and the ShapeShift forum to participate in the governance process.