
Trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, and more directly with 150 wallets across fourteen blockchains permissionlessly.
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FOX token airdrop

Accelerating THORChain

Redefine your DeFi trading experience and execute multichain trades instantly and seamlessly. Always with the best rates.

Accelerate onchain with ShapeShift

Streaming swaps

THORChain Streaming Swaps allow for continuous, real-time asset exchanges across multiple blockchains. No matter how large the trade, get the most when you trade with ShapeShift.

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FOX token airdrop
FOX token airdrop

Efficient Liquidity

ShapeShift automatically displays the most optimized routes for your trades through the most efficient liquidity routes. Don’t let messy bridges slow you down.

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I just made a trade on THORChain via ShapeShift and my assets aren’t showing up. Where are my assets?

  • All THORChain actions (Streaming swaps, THORchain trades, Savers actions, Liquidity Pool (LP) actions are fulfilled through an internal queue via the THORchain protocol. This process can take anywhere from 1 minute to a couple hours to fully complete your desired action.Please check your transaction ids here or type in[paste your txid here]. If your transaction does not show up, please check again in a few minutes.

ShapeShift says I don’t have enough funds to THORChain. Why can’t I deposit or withdraw from my THORChain LP?

  • All transactions made on THORChain require gas. You must have enough gas to send the transaction from the origination address to THORChain. You cannot pay gas from your LP position to withdraw your funds. You must also have adequate gas in the origination address to withdraw any LP. Here are two links to check the current gas:

    Bitcoin Gas []
    Ethereum Gas []

    ShapeShift can help you consolidate UTXO’s (Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Litecoin) from other address’ through a self-send transaction, provided you have an adequate balance in another address.