Welcome to the Governance Newsletter #69! This is the first full governance week that utilizes shielded voting as proposed by SCP-112, which means that only proposals with a closed voting period will have the results displayed below. This week we have one passed and three active proposal as well as one ideation post—all available in full length via our Snapshot and the ShapeShift forum. To stay up-to-date with the governance, please subscribe to the ShapeShift Transparency Youtube channel. Let’s continue to DAO it!

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ShapeShift DAO Just Gonna Send It Fox


Handover of account ownership and administration to the DAO

ShapeShift DAO SCP-113 Final Results
SCP-113 Final Results

Total Proposed Budget: $0

  • With the passing of this proposal, the Foundation turns several accounts over to be fully controlled by trusted ShapeShift DAO members.


Product & Creative Services Workstream Renewal Dec 15-June 15

Total Proposed Budget: $0

  • As a product-centric DAO, the Product & Creative Services Workstream is vital to our success. The Workstream is accountable for a number of activities which are critical to the DAO’s ability to acquire and retain users, grow the FOX ecosystem, and achieve its mission. This is a proposal to continue funding the Product & Creative Services Workstream’s anticipated budget from Dec 15-June 15 2023.

Nomination of @Hpayne to become the new Marketing Workstream Leader

Total Proposed Budget: $0

  • This proposal is an addendum to [SCP-99] and is a nomination of @Hpayne to become the full-time Marketing Workstream Leader and transition Tyler out of the Interim Marketing Workstream Leader position. The goal of this addendum is to acknowledge the goals and spirit of SCP-99, continue the success of the Marketing Workstream, and expand on its grassroots strategies for user growth and retention without disrupting the speed of the workstream’s development or structure and allow Tyler to return his cycles to the Operations Workstream as his sole DAO focus.

Deposit $3500 of MPS/USDC liquidity to increase Rev Share %

Total Proposed Budget: $3500

  • This proposal is concerting a deposit of $3500 of liquidity into the Mt. Pelerin Liquidity pool in order to earn an extra 35% of revenue on each purchase through Mt. Pelerin On-Ramp.




ShapeShift DAO Let's Get Voting