Welcome to this week's Governance Newsletter #72! We have one passed proposal, two ideation posts, as well as several new and old forum posts—all available in full length via our Snapshot and the ShapeShift forum. To stay up-to-date with the governance, please subscribe to the ShapeShift Transparency Youtube channel. Let’s continue to DAO it!
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Roadmap Proposal Jan - Mar 31, 2023

Total Proposed Budget: $0
- By passing this proposal, the DAO approves Phase 1 of the roadmap through March 31, 2023.
Fund the Tokenomics Workstream in Q1/Q2 2023 and Re-elect Kent as its Leader
Total Proposed Budget: $14,000/month in 1 year lock FOX + $17,933 USDC
- This proposal outlines the scope and budget for the next two quarters of the Tokenomics Workstream, from January 1st, 2023 through June 30th, 2023.
2023 Marketing Workstream Renewal (February - August)
Total Proposed Budget: $172,860 USDC + $63,810 FOX for 6 months
- This proposal continues the funding of the Marketing workstream from February 1, 2023 to August 1, 2023.
- The Marketing Workstream will continue to focus on the creation, implementation, and optimization of marketing and growth initiatives for the ShapeShift DAO.
- Proposal discussion direction by @Giantkin
- Random questions by @anonymous1
- Decisions out of fear VS logic by @neverwas
- Renewing the Operations Workstream for a 4th Term (February-July) by @Tyler | ShapeShift
- Proposal to renew the Globalization Workstream by @thesmith
- Added fees for Thorchain swaps by @0xean
- Treasury Signed Selection Committee and formalizing the signing process. by @PTT
- Change Foxy Voting Power to 1.2x Vote by @Vlad
- FOX Voting Power by @WillyFox